6 must-have courses and resources for web designers

With four years and a successful and sustainable Squarespace web design business under my belt, I know I wouldn’t have grown to where I find myself today, were it not for a number of key resources (and of course, the creatives who brought them to life!)

This article will walk you through my favourite courses and resources I suggest to all designers who want to start, or up-level, their Squarespace web design business.


Standout Squarespace - online course and mastermind

Standout Squarespace is the online course and mastermind that changed my design life and that I’m constantly raving about to anyone and everyone who will listen!

Amongst many things, Standout Squarespace helped me deeply understand and write complex code and learn the smart coding techniques that I use in my one week website base designs that make them easy and fast to duplicate (hello swift turnaround times!), and simple for my clients to maintain and edit after handover.

As well as this, Standout Spacespace covers other topics like client management, template creation, pricing and finding your unique design style. The community and ongoing support is also second to none!

Learn more about Standout Squarespace here.

Meg Summerfield - workshops and template library

I cannot talk highly enough of Meg and her expertise!

I joined Meg’s mastermind in the early days of wanting to become a Squarespace designer and, fun fact, it was Meg who supported me to create my one week website business model after I explained to her that I couldn’t work full time hours due to burnout (thanks Meg!)

She also helped me design and build my first one week website base design that, to this day, continues to be my best selling design.

Meg offers a range of trainings at different times of the year, so I suggest signing up to her mailing list so you can stay in the know.

She has a comprehensive and affordable course on creating Squarespace templates as well as a library of Squarespace templates which she’s made available to other designers - so if a template based design business is for you, I suggest having a look!

SquarespaceWebsites tools pro chrome extension

This is a MUST HAVE tool as a Squarespace designer particularly if you’re upgrading your client’s websites from 7.0 to 7.1, selling templates, and/or needing to copy a lot of content from one site to another (I once migrated 200 blog articles to a client’s new site in just 10 minutes with this tool and everything migrated perfectly!)

This tool has saved me countless hours in my business, plus it has lots more features, so I highly recommend having an explore and play!

Check the plugin out here.

One-week web design process and client template bundle

Not only am I a systems gal from way back, I have a sensitive nervous system so am devoted to working ‘smart’ and having a work/life balance - which is why I spent the better part of a year systemising and templating my business so that it runs smoothly, effectively and efficiently.

My proven system and professionally designed templates that guide you through all stages of the client journey – selling, building, reviewing and handing over a one week website to a client with ease – are now available for you to access and begin using in your design business.

No more doing repeatable activities in your business from scratch and wasting your time and energy on tasks that take you away from the reason you likely started your design business in the first place - to express your creativity!

(Also, this offering is the only way to receive 1:1 mentoring from me so if you’ve ever wanted to pick my business or design brain, then this is your opportunity!)

More about my one-week web design process and templates over this way.

SQS themes plugins by Omari

I recommend any and all of the plugins from Omari if you’re looking for some extra functionality that you can’t normally get straight out the box in Squarespace.

These plugins function perfectly (which we know is not always the case when buying plugins!), plus the training videos and support are second to none and mean that you’re never left on your own trying to figure things out.

I’m particularly fond of the ‘accordian tabs’ plug-in, and the ‘lightbox anything’ plug-in, and if you purchase a business license, you can use any and all of the available plug-ins on your client sites.

Find out more about SQS Themes Plugins.


Moyo Studio Mockups

A web design business is a visual business and your signature style is what is going to help a potential customer know if you are the right fit for them.


Showcasing your past projects through beautiful mockups in your portfolio and across social media is the best way to attract the right kinds of clients and projects, who resonate with your style.


Moyo Studio is my go-to for minimal and stylish mockups that enhance and highlight but don’t out-shine my design work.

Start creating beautiful mockups over this way.

BONUS TIP: Don’t go it alone!

The design business journey is a whole lot lighter and enjoyable, when you curate your own team of talented people - like SEO experts, branding whizzes, copywriters, photographers and marketing gurus.

You don’t need to know or do everything yourself so stay in your zone of genius while you collaborate with others, support other women in business and offer even more value to your clients.

I’m so grateful to have a talented team of expert creatives around me and my Website Creation Companion lists the branding, photography, copywriting and marketing experts I know and love.

Want more helpful tips and tutorials like this?

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**Note: some of the links shared in this article are affiliate links which may mean I receive a small commission if you purchase the suggested resource or product.

Alana Jade

This article was written by Alana Jade – Australian Squarespace web designer and founder of Alana Jade Studio, specialising in creating kind and calm one-week Squarespace websites and branding solutions that are good for people and considerate of our planet.


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