Alana Jade Studio

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going opt-in free: sell your programs and connect with your community without opt-ins or sales funnels

We’ve all been told that we need to have an opt-in on our website and grow our mailing list to have a successful online business. This is a marketing strategy that is rarely questioned.

Enter Quiet Marketer, Dani Gardner.

Dani has been opt-in free for a few years now. And, unlike what we’ve been led to believe by marketing experts, Dani’s business has actually thrived without an opt-in.

In this interview, Dani shares how she kicked her opt-in habit and built a successful business without one.

We also explore alternative approaches to opt-ins above the fold, masculine marketing metrics and the belief that we have to have big email lists to sell out our programs.

See this content in the original post

Connect with Dani:

Time Stamps:

3.33: The patterns Dani noticed when people joined her mailing list just to get a freebie

8.43: “Above the fold” opt-ins and Dani’s alternative approach

9.25: Using your mailing list to collect valuable market research

13.41: Doing more with less: the positives that come from going opt-in free

16.28: You don’t need a big list to sell out your programs. Moving away from ‘masculine’ marketing metrics.

19.10: If I’m not building my list, how and who do I sell to? What do I do if I’m just starting out and I don’t have a mailing list? How do I connect with people and grow my business without an opt-in? Dani answers these questions.

22.37: You don’t need to be a content creation machine. What to try instead.

26.26: Dani’s revolutionary new approach to opt-ins and free newsletters and the impact this had on her income

35:15: Quiet Marketing: Dani’s new tiny book. Grab a copy here.

Watch the next interview in the series: how to create a business aligned with your values.